Agriculture & Forestry
The QuestGates Agriculture and Forestry claims service handles a wide range of agriculture and rural business losses including farms, small holdings, landed estates, renewable energy and other diversified rural enterprises. We have experience in fish farms and aquaculture, fish stock losses and specialism in forestry and growing timber claims.
Our Agriculture and Forestry team is supplemented by specialists across our other divisions including Liability, Environmental, Private Clients/High Net Worth, Motor, Counter Fraud and Valuations. In addition, we have specialist consultants to assist with claims for bloodstock/equine and livestock.

Frank McGaffney
Associate Director, Head of Agriculture & Forestry
Tel: +44 (0) 7592 111 879

Glen Donaldson
Director, Specialist Services
BA (Hons), ACII
Tel: +44 (0) 7793 916 324

All Agriculture and Forestry claims notified to QuestGates are managed by designated, experienced adjusters and our Concierge team, all of who, have in-depth knowledge of policy wordings. We consider it essential to have the right people with suitable knowledge of farming and rural businesses, based in strategic locations around UK and Ireland, empathetic to the many challenges faced by farmers and estates owners.
Our Agriculture and Forestry team is supplemented by specialists across our other divisions including Liability, Environmental, Private Clients/High Net Worth, Motor, Counter Fraud and Valuations. In addition, we have specialist consultants to assist with claims for bloodstock/equine and livestock.
Good communication with all stakeholders is key to the success in resolving all claims. With our investment in IT and employing the right people, we are confident our Agriculture and Forestry claims service delivers confidence and peace of mind that claims are handled efficiently and fairly.
Our highly experienced team of adjusters, surveyors and support staff provides coverage throughout the UK and Ireland
Our expertise include:
Farm Buildings
Farm Houses
Listed/Historic Buildings
Renewable Energy
Farm Machinery
Produce & Deadstock
Landed Estates
Beef & Cattle
Poultry and Egg Production
Game Rearing
Environmental Liabilities
Forestry & Growing Timber
Public Liability
Employers Liability
Products Liability
Agricultural Revenue/Business Interruption
For new enquiries, please contact:
Call us on
0121 411 0535